CONFESSION: I have Authority...I am the Authority in the Earth....I exercise my Authority in Christ Jesus!
Many times as believers, we repeatedly hear that we have #authority in Christ. It can be hard to imagine for some because when you look at all the trouble that surrounds us, and even the failures and sometimes defeat that we face in our personal lives, you might say, "I have #authority over this???" In actuality, you do!!
Although you might see tragedy, sickness, chaos and struggle, you can do something about it. It doesn't matter if you are a child, a senior citizen, a #millennial or a teen. If you are in Christ Jesus, you can make a difference in this world.
Never think something is a loss cause, when you have the ability to change it!
I want you to know that you have a #RIGHT to make a difference to what you see around you. That's what #Authority is all about; having a God given #right to make your life, your family, your community and the world a better place. In other words, you have been #authorized to bring #value to the world!
A. Did you know that you don't have to allow sickness to torture your body or your family because God has given you a RIGHT to put an end to that sickness.
B. Did you know that you don't have to allow poverty, debt and lack to strip your life of happiness and joy because God has given you a RIGHT to put an end to those financial woes.
Not to mention, there are countless problems that try to come to disrupt our lives that spring from the devil, but we have the solution! It's called the authority of the believer in Christ Jesus!
It's time to exercise our authority {right}, and put an end to every weapon of satan...NOW!
Let's take a look at one way to exercise your authority, so that you can live your Best Life! I'll be sharing "one key" per day for three days. So, here's the 1st key!
1. Preach the Kingdom of God
but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent - Luke 4:43 NKJV
Jesus in the scripture was basically said, "I must proclaim to every city, that if you have faith in God, you will have the ability to exercise authority of the devil's works in your life." The devil's works were sickness, disease, demonic oppression, death etc...
At first glance, you might think, "I'm not a preacher!" Well, preach just means to proclaim. Every time you take God's word and proclaim that you have authority over the devil, you are proclaiming the kingdom of God. So, take time to proclaim the kingdom of God to yourself. If you have children, sit them down and proclaim to them that they have power and authority to overcome and dominate anything that the devil would trying to afflict them with. Let them know that in Christ Jesus, they have authority over sickness, disease and demonic forces like fear, hate and depression.
When you take the word of God (some scriptures are listed below), and proclaim them, you take authority and dominion over all the work's of the enemy!
See you tomorrow with the 2nd Key!
PS. As our society is being challenged with this plan of satan, please share this blog. The more we have believers learning their authority and exercising their authority, we will see a swift VICTORY!
Scripture References: Matthew 10:1, Ephesians 2:6-7, Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17,18