CONFESSION: I have Authority...I am the Authority in the Earth....I exercise my Authority in Christ Jesus!
The morning of April 1st, I woke up to practice my usual monthly routine of declaring over the month on the 1st day. As I opened my mouth, I was getting ready to declare that April is the month of Abundance; however I heard strongly in my spirit that "April is the month of Authority!" Wow!
In other words, if you begin to exercise your Authority to the capacity that God wants you to, nothing that belongs to you can be kept from you. So, when you begin to exercise you Authority {Right}, you will take back control of your health, your wealth, your peace and your purpose!
As Christians, we practice many things that we believe will be the cure to the problems we face in our lives. Yes, we pray - we fast - we confess - we study the word of God - we give financially, yet if we are blind to the reality that we have Authority in Christ Jesus, then all of those wonderful principles are void of power!
Of course the majority of all Christians have heard that we have authority in Jesus Christ, but how many truly believe that they are the Authority in the Earth.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth - Genesis 1:26
Being fully persuaded that you are the Authority in the Earth, will empower you to exercise your Authority. Remember, you have a RIGHT to make a difference in this world. So, let's look at the 2nd Key to exercising your Authority, and watch change take place in your life! Here it is:
1. Preach the Kingdom of God
2. Laying on of the Hands
One of the greatest kingdom strategies of how to exercise your authority lies within the principle of the laying on of hands. This principle is very powerful because when you "lay hands" in faith, God's power is transferred from one person to the other.
The Bible clearly states that when we lay hands on the sick, they will recover {Mark 16:18}...in other words, they will get well! That's Authority! Just think, if a person can lay their hands on someone that is sick, and the sickness leaves obviously something forced it to leave. Something confronted that sickness! So, what is confronting that sickness with so much Aggression and Authority to make the sickness leave the person? The power of God!
When you "lay your hands" in faith on yourself, your children, your spouse or a family member or whoever the Holy Spirit tells you to, you are actually TAKING AUTHORITY OVER THE PROBLEM! The laying on of hands releases supernatural power to drive out every affliction of the devil.
If you or your family has dealt with a sickness or a symptom of sickness in your body, exercise your authority and "lay your hands on yourself and your family" in faith, and watch the power of God be released to overtake that sickness.
At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them - Luke 4:40
Oh My God! This is powerful! We can exercise our Authority in Christ Jesus being laying our hands! Jesus has given every believer the Authority {right} to lay hands on the sick, and they will get well. When you exercise your Authority, you will make a difference in this world. Start with yourself and your family, and watch God's move mightily in your life...
PS. You have received 2 keys already, so don't allow sickness, disease or pain to live in your life or in your house another day!!!! TAKE AUTHORITY!
See you tomorrow for the 3rd Key!
Scripture Reference: Mark 16:18 - Luke 4:40 - Genesis 1:26 - Hebrews 6:2