God has highlighted a variety of people in His word to show us the #extremewealth they had. The #purpose was to reveal to believers that God desires to bless us even on a larger scale. However, the enemy knows that every believer has power in their words; therefore, he has a strategy to tempt us with speaking limits, doubts and fears that will eventually #trap us from receiving The Unlimited Life. This is called the Doubt Trap!
"you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.." —Proverbs 6:2 NIV
One of the people God highlighted was Job; yet many only focus on the trials and sufferings (note: not caused by God) in Job’s life, but the truth is: Job was righteous and #extremelywealthy at the same time. Yet, some believers have trapped themselves from receiving the same wealth that Job had because of their words. Words like, "that's too much," "they don't need all that," or "all he cares about is money."
STOP! Don't say it...It's a Trap! The enemy wants you to say those things because it sets a limit in your heart to block you from receiving all that God has for you."
So instead of speaking abundance and more than enough, many believers are speaking limits because they're afraid that too much wealth is harmful. Let's be clear: many have mishandled prosperity and wealth. Yes, there has been scandals. Yes, there has been ungodly people that used the church for financial gain....But...
You can’t reject wealth based upon what others did, you must base your promise of abundant wealth because God ordained it for you in His word!
In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. He had seven sons and three daughters, and he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the greatest man among all the people of the East. Job 1:1-3 NIV
It was stated in one research that Job had to have 12,950 acres of land to properly raise all his animals. Would you say, "he doesn't need all that land." Would you say, 3,000 camels was "too much for one owner?" Well, God didn't mind because eventually God doubled his camels to 6,000. In fact, one of the main purposes for camels was transportation, yet many born-again believers will frown at a man of God with 2 or 3 fancy cars, 1 jet or 1 helicopter! Wait a minute!!! Job had 3,000 camels then 6,000 camels. So, whats 2 or 3 cars, a jet or a helicopters to God... #beingunlimitedisnotgreed
Believers! It's not about the things...it's about UNLIMITED THINKING!
Never use words like too much when it comes to God's blessings. God does immeasurable... so Think Big!
In conclusion, when you see your fellow brother or sister in Christ with #extremewealth, don't spend time managing and advising what they should be doing with that wealth. Please don’t put your mouth on them with words like... "that’s too much," "that house is too big," or "why do they need a jet?" No! Don’t say it, it’s a TRAP.
The enemy wants you to cancel out the promise of wealth in your life with your mouth. He knows if you reject abundance on others through your words, you're actually setting a trap of limitation that can block you from receiving the #wealth that God has for you. I encourage you to open your heart to more than enough, and never speak limitation again because God wants you to be #Unlimited in order to be a #blessing to those in need!
So, in other words..."You Do Need All That!"