The quickest way to #advance (progress, improve, move forward) in life, is by totally depending on God as your only Source. Many times, we forget that God is the one funding and supplying the Resources in our lives with abundance, overflow and plenty; however, the resource is just the Barrel, but God is THE BOUNTY!
A Resource is what God "The Source" uses to supply your need!
Yes! The great relationships in your life are blessed #vessels of encouragement, yet it's your Heavenly Father, who gives them words to speak in your life to help you #advance! Your Job is an awesome #well for finances, but it is Almighty God, who uses the job to supply you. Your Business is a great #container of increase; however, it is God, who speaks to clients to do business with your company.
Now, some might believe it's the advertising that brought in the clients, but again: It was God that supplied the marketing creativity. You can't get around it! God is the one funneling: favor, power, wisdom and aid through your life to cause you to be successful! So, never make the mistake of depending on the resource instead of the Source. Remember, the resource is only "The Container" - "The Net" - "The Barrel" that God will use to release provision to you, but God is the Source of your Supply.
The resources in your life were never designed to be the originator of the supply...they were created to be the carrier of the supply.
The word of God gives an illuminating illustration of this in the book of I Kings 17...there was a widow and her son on the brink of starvation due to a severe famine. So, God used the prophet Elijah to give the widow an instruction not only to deliver her and her son out of starvation, but supply them with #abundance in the midst of the famine...wow! The prophet wasn't the originator of the supply, he was only a carrier of the supply. In the end, the miracle originated from the Source. This only happened because the widow placed her dependency on God! It wasn't the prophet she trusted in for the miracle, but her trust was in God, USING the prophet to supply her need.
Now, there were other very important keys to the widow being supplied by The Source...So, join me next week...as I discuss two elements that will be vital on how to tap into the #Source, so your Barrel will never run dry!!!