Did you know that God never intended for people to be your Source! Yes, God uses relationships in your life to move you to new levels of greater #understanding and #partnership. Yes, God uses people to release resources to you, and assist in fulfilling your purpose in life. Of course, when it comes to navigating on Earth, you cannot be an island all to yourself; however the key is: God Will Use People, but People are not your #SOURCE.
When you make people your Source, you place them in an Unfair position!
So many times, we look to people rather than to God; as a result, we wonder why theres's frustration, stress and disappointment. Simple! God didn't place people in your life to be your supply. "The God Relationships" in your life has a purpose to be channel for #God to pour His goodness through them to you. So then, you worship GOD for the relationships, not the relationship itself. This could be a business relationship, your best friend, a husband or wife or even a mentor. Remember, God is the one orchestrating it. So never look to the people necessarily, but look to the God in the person!
They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. Romans 1:25 NLT
I'm always reminded what my wife and I emphasize when we are doing pre-marital counseling. We tell couples that when you get married, it's not two halves coming together to make a whole, rather two whole people coming together to make a complete marriage...in other words, quit saying, "you complete me!" If you are looking for the perfect person to complete you, you will be chasing the wind! No! Christ is the only one that can complete you.
It's the water you're looking for not the faucet!
Therefore, if you are truly committed to a #fulfilledlife, you must tap into your #Creator instead of constantly trying to draw from the job - the business - the friend - the coworker - the husband or wife - the pastor - mom or dad! Let me ask you a question...who is supplying the clients for the business? who's supplying the love for the husband to love his wife? God! God is the #Source!
Please understand...the blessed people in our lives are here to help us, encourage us and support us, but not to be our Source of #peace, #fulfillment, #joy and #provision. Those things can only be fulfilled from that which created them - Your Heavenly Father!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5,6 NLT
PS...Let's walk together to embrace a life, where we disconnect from what we have trusted in previously, to live life of absolute Trust in God as our one and only #Source!
Learn more next week....