When you make God your Source, your days of worry are definitely destroyed! I want to encourage you, that you can trust in God! There is no shortage, lack or insufficiency in Him...in fact, there is never any such thing as "running out" in the Most High. If you will allow God to be the only Source in your life, you will never be short of Supply ever again.
And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19 AMP
Don't ever allow yourself to be in a place of worrying about your daily needs. No! Your Heavenly Father already knows what you need before you ask. Therefore, He has already made the necessary provisions to have every need, want and desire met to overflowing in your life.
Many times, we have allowed certain mindsets to shape our reality concerning provision. Those types of mindsets disrupt our faith in God causing fear of running out; however, never allow your mind to think running out because your loving Father has already supplied you with access to abundance.
You just need the strategy on how to tap in!
So, if you are experiencing any shortage in your life, you are probably wondering, "how can I be supplied with what I need in my life right now?" Well, the answer is found in God's word, and particularly your answer is found in the above scripture in Philippians 4:19.
When you look closely at this scripture, you must take a deeper look at the actual meaning of the word need. Need in this context actually has a few different meanings, but the definition that I want to discuss with you is a word called #Demand. Now, don't let that word shake you!
So, my question is...are you placing a #demand on The Source for your supply. Remember, no begging, crying or pleading, but placing a #demand on the Source. Essentially, when you place a demand on something, you are acting in authority by claiming to receive something by right!
Join me next week for pt.2 - as I will discuss the key principle on how to place a demand on The Source to receive all the things that you as a child of God have a right to...until then meditate on Philippians 4:19!