How would you live life, if there were no limits? Would you finally start that business that you always dreamed about? Would you patent that witty invention that’s been sitting on the shelf for years? Or finally stand up to your fears, and go back to school to earn your degree or even your GED! Well, GO FOR IT without hesitation because there are #nolimits for your life!
I truly believe this quote that a famous author wrote:
“the only #limitations in life are the ones you set up yourself.”
So, if there are no limits except for the ones you set, choose to live a life without them! Release your faith to live a life; free from fear, doubt and insecurities. You have been wired by God to win! You have been enriched with power capable of overcoming any invisible barrier placed in your life due to circumstances or situations.
I encourage you to break the glass ceiling of mediocrity, and live the abundant life that Jesus died to grant you. This year is the year of unprecedented Favor for your life. You just have to make a quality commitment to exceed the expected limits that the enemy has setup.
It’s your time, and 2018 is your year! It’s Unlimited!